Having a Plan B

Ah, winter snowstorms... having grown up in central New York, I am no newcomer to the world of snowy travel, snow shoveling, snowblowing, snow and ice removal from cars, sidewalks, driveways, roads and roofs. It's a bit idyllic at times, in a way, pausing from shoveling one's driveway from large (4-foot or taller) mounds of snow to notice the sparkle of the sunshine dancing through ice crystals on the lawn, on the shrubs or in the trees... it sometimes brings a sense of quiet, peace and acceptance that we are part of nature and subject to its large-scale activities. Watching the birds engage with snowfall is an education--they do not act stressed--they simply take it as it comes, gather food as usual and delight us with their energy and vivid colors--flying, perching and foraging against the new whitewashed backdrop. Winter is a truly beautiful time! Then we snap out of our dazed reverie and get back to straining our backs with the snow shovel for another hour or so, knowing we will repeat this cycle indefinitely until we are out of the snow tunnel and into spring once more.

Living in the south I no longer need to fixate on crafting my weekly schedule to work around winter weather reports... or do I? At this moment I am waiting to hear whether or not my next symphony performance will take place as originally planned due to the threat of impending snowstorm Jonas. To pack or not to pack? Sometimes these plans are changed just moments before (or even after) one is scheduled to depart for the performance destination. Okay--so flexibility is also a virtue that is most helpful in this business! Today I am grateful for my snow-surrounded upbringing which taught me not to fear or be anxious of natural phenomena, but to respect them, and to accept what comes. Hopefully, if performances are postponed, they will be rescheduled and enjoyed at a later date. In the meantime, I wish to pause and enjoy the beauty of this season! That, my friends, is Plan B when snowstorms close everything down for a weekend, bringing your best-laid plans to a screeching halt. Rest now, work later. Unless you have to shovel. ;)

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