New Year's Resolutions

If you are like the average person, the thought of making New Year's resolutions either brings you hope or trepidation... I decided I would ruminate this December about things I would like to continue doing or do altogether differently in 2015. Most involve some inherent benefit to myself or to those around me, or toward greater career productivity. In no particular order, here they are:

1)Practice a minimum of two hours a day. I share this goal with many artists I know--without practice, nobody would want to hear me sing. Enough said.
2) Continue exercising a minimum of 3 days per week. Aerobic exercise just feels good. I tend to feel lousy when I am not doing it regularly, so I look forward to keeping up with my P90X, P90X Plus and P90X3 workouts.
3) Avoid allowing the attitudes and behaviors of negative or toxic people affect my attitude or behavior. This is a toughie for me--as a passionate artist, I am passionate about everything I do. This sometimes rubs people the wrong way and they misunderstand my intentions, which leads to negativity coming back at me. While I make every effort to be properly understood, some simply refuse to hear the message and make up their mind to continue being negative. Their loss, I guess.
4)Cook and bake at home more. My busy dual career often leads to eating out on a regular basis... I will do better this year, shop for groceries and plan a meal more than once in a while!
5)Spend more daily time being creative (writing music, blogs, articles, or book chapters). The mundanely urgent tasks continually steal time from my more important creative ones... I shall attempt to invert this muffin and place the important creative endeavors on the "muffin top" of my list of things to do...and do them first...Whoops--sorry about the baking metaphor!
6)Pray and meditate every day. I already do this, but making it a continued New Year's resolution gives me a sense of accomplishment and realization that I CAN and already DO have good ingrained habits that enrich my life!

Knowing myself, I must end the list here. Otherwise I will have a "too long" list of things I cannot accomplish rather than a short list of important items to pursue. May your 2015 be filled with fun, health, prosperity and music, and may you accomplish all you set out to do!

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