Traveling Considerations

I'm back on the road again this week and into my pre-performance routine. What is that? Packing, organizing, practicing, running errands, writing a blog, checking and double-checking to make sure I have my music, equipment, costumes, shoes, jewelry, stage makeup, CDs, CD table supplies, and just enough clothes to last until I return... Fitting it all into one carry-on and a personal item is then the real test... But I usually can do it! One very relevant piece of advice I once absorbed was "Only pack what you absolutely cannot live without... and then empty half your suitcase. Now you're ready to go." I have lived by that sage wisdom whenever I travel and miraculously it seems to work...

This week I'm looking forward to a relaxing time at Big Moose Lake in the Adirondack mountains of northern New York! This near-Canadian experience is always a refreshing retreat from the busier cities where I am fortunate to work. On the docket: music by G.F. Handel, Cesar Franck and a couple of my favorite African-American spirituals. I am excited to work with the wonderful organist/pianist Nic Steltzer on this project. Just being in that deep-woods atmosphere lends an air of restfulness to my singing, so the music becomes sheer contentment and gratitude. I am so fortunate that I can spend my week enjoying the great outdoors and still call it work! This isn't work... this is pure joy. Join me if you can Sunday morning at Big Moose Chapel at the 9:30 or 11am services as we celebrate how music can draw us closer to God. Blessings to you all!

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