
Showing posts from June, 2013

Symphony Show update

Plans are underway to select the songs that will comprise my holiday pops show. Grammy-winning arranger Chris Walden and I are working together to come up with a program that will ideally suit my voice and be attractive to symphony orchestra conductors, performing arts center executive directors and concert series presenters. While it may still be a month or so before the final lineup of songs is complete, progress is being made toward the finalizing of these decisions and interest in this show is increasing by the day! I am so thankful for the opportunity to share great music by contemporary arrangers and composers and am greatly looking forward to presenting this symphony show throughout the country. If you are interested in programming this concert in your city's cultural arts series, please do be in touch! We rely on and appreciate the support and interest of listeners and fans of great jazz, cabaret and classical music. As always, thank you for your support of live music...